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  • Ref. XW439W
  • TATRA, 1997.

A suivre


  • 1 At the wedding
  • 2 Halling
  • 3 The abduction of the bride
  • 4 Peer Gynt and the herd girls
  • 5 Peer folk may be known by the mounts that they ride
  • 6 Great folk may be known by the mounts that they ride
  • 7 In the hall of the mountain king
  • 8 Dance of the hunted by the trolls
  • 9 Peer Gynt hunted by the trolls
  • 10 Peer Gynt and the boyg
  • 11 The death of Åse
  • 12 Morning mood
  • 13 The thief and the recievers
  • 14 Arabian dance
  • 15 Anitra's dance
  • 16 Peer Gynt's serenade
  • 17 Peer Gynt and Anitra
  • 18 Solveig's song
  • 19 Peer Gynt at the statue of Memnon
  • 20 Peer Gynt's homecoming * Stormy evening on the sea
  • 21 Shipwreck
  • 22 Solveig sings in the hut
  • 23 Night scene
  • 24 Whitsun hymn: Blessed morn
  • 25 Solveig's cradle song I
  • 26 Solveig's cradle song II