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Charlemagne PALESTINE

  • Ref. XP051E
  • BAROONI, 2000. Enregistrement 1997.

"With a small Sony DAT player in my pocket and a small stereo microphone in my hand, I walked throughout the Festival very slowly for several hours to let the ambient sounds of each block naturally change in real time. The 60' segment on this record is played without any editing, but super imposed upon this extract I have composed three series of drone textures for Yamaha organs, 16 Serge & Rubery oscillators with bandpass filtering and a thick Ar p Synthesizer texture using oscillators, filters and other sound modulation devices. All together this work creates a dialogue between pure and mixed electronics on my long continuum tradition and the real-time ambient sounds of a traditional urban ethnographic popular festival.". A suivre.



  • 1 Jamaïca Heinekens in Brooklyn