- Ref. XN189L
- SEELAND RECORDS, 1994. Enregistrement 1984-1994.
- 1 Introduction * Jamjamjam * A little history * Jam this guy: an interviewwith W6DR * Jamming the "Sports Line" * Am I on? * Three year olds on the air * Etc
- 2 Crosley Bendix reviews JamArt and cultural jamming
- 3 The worst programming ever * Mind jamming * A report by Rex Everything * Etc
- 4 C. Eliot Friday's presidential campaign shortwave broadcast (live from Howland island)
- 5 Two or three people listening * You motherfucking son of a sack of piece of shit * Attempts to jam and the end
- 6 Walking and driving and hiking to the picnic * Introduction to the show * Parade of condiments
- 7 Stockholders' meeting (with Crosley Bendix) * Insects in your pop bottle * An abrupt ending
- 8 Body English