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  • Ref. XK602J
  • MUSIC EMPORIUM, 1995. Enregistrement 1968-1975.



  • 1 Intro
  • 2 Improve
  • 3 Moonchild
  • 4 Stop
  • 5 Eligie
  • 6 Thema
  • 7 Cadens
  • 8 Travel
  • 9 Intrude
  • 10 Visit for above
  • 11 Divertimentos
  • 12 Sign on my head
  • 13 From the beginning
  • 14 The band
  • 15 Short stories
  • 16 So you want to be a rock and roll star
  • 17 Hope
  • 18 Sunday morning
  • 19 Funky
  • 20 No way out of here
  • 21 grand-leez
  • 22 Neuroses
  • 23 Kept woman
  • 24 Out of a nightmare
  • 25 I've got my woman by my side
  • 26 Lovely day
  • 27 Mean old man
  • 28 Back to the country
  • 29 Rock 'n' roll
  • 30 Don't tell lies
  • 31 Time is money
  • 32 Just a little minute to go