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  • Ref. XB830R
  • MAX ERNST, 2006.

"Klick Revolution is more stripped-down, distressedly clipped together and much less polished and clinical than any of Brinkmann's previous work. It is a full jump into the analog, yielding sounds and moods dehydrated and crisp, making one think of dried out wood ripe for a dreaded drought-firestorm. It is somewhere between interesting and fascinating and makes you want to analyse and study it. It makes you want to think about it but thought would yield nothing. Klick Revolution is the tentative product of a series of live performances over two years, which have no doubt been experimentally impromptu, but have also made this album musically random, with schizophrenic soundscapes rather than songs. Which may be why Brinkmann presents a concept to try to tie it all together."



  • 1 Geschlossene kiste/Initiation_locked box
  • 2 Befragung des glücks_questionary about luck
  • 3 Die schiefe ebene_inclined plane
  • 4 lauf der dinge_slide of the things(Der)
  • 5 Logik des niedergangs_logic of decline
  • 6 Tilt