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Stephan MICUS

  • Ref. XM526Q
  • ECM RECORDS, 2004.

"He brings together a large collection of instruments from Africa, Asia, and Europe for this particular journey, but he makes use of them in very idiosyncratic ways, preferring to explore sonorities in a purist fashion rather than replicate the traditional modes of play or musical styles from their cultures of origin".


  • Stephan MICUS : Voice, Kyeezee, Sho [Mouth organ], Tin whistle, Zither, Bägänna, Dilruba, Dondo, Nay


  • 1 Narration one and the master's question
  • 2 The temple
  • 3 Narration 2
  • 4 The monk's answer
  • 5 Narration 3
  • 6 The master's anger
  • 7 Narration 4
  • 8 The monk's question
  • 9 The sky
  • 10 The master's answer