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  • Ref. XF056A
  • CARBON 7, 1997.

Groupe belge.

Écouter les extraits



Disque 0

  • 1 Let Me Out
  • 2 Going Down
  • 3 Hard Life
  • 4 Why Is It Red ?
  • 5 Drum Salvo
  • 6 Who Needs Therapy
  • 7 Give Before You Take
  • 8 Madman Riffer
  • 9 High Emotion
  • 10 Pressure
  • 11 Hold On
  • 12 We're Getting Out
  • 13 Have Faith

Disque 1

  • 1 Let Me Out
  • 2 Going Down
  • 3 Hard Life
  • 4 Why Is It Red ?
  • 5 Drum Salvo
  • 6 Who Needs Therapy
  • 7 Give Before You Take
  • 8 Madman Riffer
  • 9 High Emotion
  • 10 Pressure
  • 11 Hold On
  • 12 We're Getting Out
  • 13 Have Faith
  • 14

Disque 2

  • 1 Let me out
  • 2 Going down
  • 3 hard life
  • 4 Why is it red?
  • 5 Drum salvo
  • 6 Who needs therapy?
  • 7 Give before you take
  • 8 Madman riffer
  • 9 High emotion
  • 10 Pressure
  • 11 Hold on
  • 12 We're getting
  • 13 Have faith