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  • Ref. XK846P
  • STEAMHAMMER DVD, 2003. Enregistrement 2002.

Tracks 25 to 33 only on the DVD.



  • 1 The patriarch
  • 2 Violence revolution
  • 3 Reconquering the throne
  • 4 Extreme aggression
  • 5 People of the lie
  • 6 All of the same blood
  • 7 Phobia
  • 8 Pleasure to kill
  • 9 Renewal
  • 10 Servant in heaven, king in hell
  • 11 Black sunrise
  • 12 Terrible certainty
  • 13 Riot of violence
  • 14 Lost
  • 15 Coma of souls
  • 16 Second awakening
  • 17 Terrorzone
  • 18 Betrayer
  • 19 Leave this world behind
  • 20 Under the guillotine
  • 21 Awakening of the gods
  • 22 Golden age
  • 23 Flag of hate
  • 24 Tormentor
  • 25 Toxic trace
  • 26 Betrayer of the lie
  • 27 Renewal
  • 28 Lost
  • 29 Isolation
  • 30 Leave this world behind
  • 31 Endorama
  • 32 Chosen few
  • 33 Violent revolution