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  • Ref. XP328I
  • FYLKINGEN RECORDS, 2005. Enregistrement 2001-2003.

"I'm a sucker for conceptual albums and ideas based on found sound. There's something about documenting a place with audio that has a huge appeal to me, as if you could somehow extent the life of a place or time by recording it to a CD when in truth the audio may end up decaying just as quickly as the source it was taken from. In the case of this release by Mattias Petersson, all the source material for the release was recorded inside a now-defunct iron mine (that went by the name of Mimer) in Norberg, Sweden. Whereas one might expect a CD full of reverbed drones and soft beds of clicks and cuts to be the result of such sampling, it seems that Petersson might have been on hand to record some of the more active functions of the mine before it was closed down. Instead of being a release based on drones and quiet washes of sound, Mimer is the sound of a mine in action as it grinds, chews, and chips away at the earth. Calling to mind a more stripped-down version of Autechre, many of the tracks on Mimer swarm with a metallic intensity only furthered by..."



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