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  • Ref. XM473O

"Not a man known for his sugary melodies, Merzbow does appear to have a softer side than his bleached sonics would have us believe - with this new album a tribute to Minazo, a male elephant seal who lived out his life at Tokyo's aquarium. A genuine obsession of Masami Akita (aka Merzbow), the album comes with photos and an essay from Akita, as well as some lovely illustrations of Minazo at the enclosure. Displaying a polemical anger at the way in which Minazo was treated ("Many of the aquariums in Japan have become mere amusement establishments"), the music which Merzbow has summoned up in tribute is predictably fierce - with the ear-bleed guitars and serrated compositions the equivalent of a force ten gale in your head. Employing a smattering of beats to highlight areas of particular texture, 'Minazo Vol. 1' is a fierce journey that chooses to treat its audience with respect and maturity, making an outwardly uncompromising experience oddly cathartic."



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