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  • Ref. XS414G
  • TIGERSUSHI RECORDS, 2005. Enregistrement 2004.

"Sir Alice Daquet, proteen artist, sails in various universes; her activities meet all and influence themselves, giving place to a total Artwork. All is about music and sound. Her musical project is signed on Tigersushi/Kwaïdan labels. Still out : n°1 a maxi exclusivly in Vinyl, n°2 a EP, ? her first album still out all over the world, coming soon in France... 10 April!!!! In the field of the visual arts or performing art, she creates her own sound installations and performances. She also collaborates with choreographers, video artist, fashion designers writing music. About research, coming from the cognitive sciences and neurosciences fields, she spent two years in the IRCAM musical perception and cognition laboratory. Then as she would like to be closer to her artistic work, she directs herself towards the study of the man/machine interfaces (IHM) in the field of creation while passing by the laboratory of Music Technology of McGill (Montreal, Canada). This year, she's a guest researcher at IRCAM where she creates sensors and develops programs for her own performances. She takes part in conferences about new technologies for interaction."



  • 1 Superhero
  • 2 La maîtresse
  • 3 Technotronic
  • 4 Ballad
  • 5 Bouda is a material girl
  • 6 L'homme qui vient d'en bas
  • 7 Onanisme