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  • Ref. X 616W
  • MORR MUSIC, 2009.

Sur le cd 1 : les artistes du label Morr Music (Lali Puna, Tarwater...) rendent hommage à la scène alternative néo-zélandaise du label Flying Nun (Tall Dwarfs, The Chill, The Bats...). Sur le cd 2 : tour d'horizon des news de Morr Music. Super compil ! ***


  • 1 I like rain
  • 2 Kaleidoscope world
  • 3 Death and the maiden
  • 4 All my hollowness to you
  • 5 Not given lightly
  • 6 Pink frost
  • 7 Glide
  • 8 Afternoon in bed
  • 9 Bee to honey
  • 10 I think I'd thought I'd nothing else to think about
  • 11 Up in the sky
  • 12 Pink frost
  • 13 Prisoner of a single passion
  • 14 Anything could happen
  • 15 On an unknow beach
  • 16 Light
  • 17 Harmonic deluxe
  • 18 You forget
  • 19 Stoffelse
  • 20 Wandering
  • 21 New science
  • 22 Nothings
  • 23 Singing arc
  • 24 Snakes
  • 25 Kudos
  • 26 White noise
  • 27 In case of harmony
  • 28 Cornfields
  • 29 Zodiac
  • 30 Dubstar
  • 31 Captain
  • 32 Happy chord whore
  • 33 Take a lip
  • 34 Aldebaran waltz