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  • Ref. XN879C
  • LOAD RECORDS, 2006.

"But I'm guilty of a journalistic sin, the lazy use of adjectives. Sure, the first impression of Noxagt is sludge, dirge, heavy pummel no room for subtleties. But that's wrong, no two ways about it. It's slow in the way patented by the Swans some 20 years ago, but it's not in fact dirge-like. Nor is this truly sludge, if by slude we mean Splintered or the earliest Zeni Geva albums. And there's plenty of subtlety once you dig in to the proceedings, from the rhythms - which aren't nearly as straightforward as they initially seem - to the bass crunch and guitar palette."



  • 1 Histrionix
  • 2 Wall's end
  • 3 Soft sugar
  • 4 Ninety parallels ago
  • 5 Coefficient ascender
  • 6 Satin vengeance
  • 7 The impious one