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  • Ref. XS086Y
  • COMMUNITY LIBRARY, 2005. Enregistrement 2002-2003.

"Comprised of contrastingly defined aural filaments, Sawako allows the background noise to dominate one moment, before gently introducing a glitchy acoustica the next ('Datam'), whilst elsewhere she chooses to let the music resign completely ('Good Morning') or dominate entirely (the electrocuted spasm of 'Lapon'). Although lazy, comparisons must be made with Susumu Yokota, combining as she does the diffuse and the defined, and in doing so giving the nod to artists as diverse as Jelinek, Oval and Basinski."



  • 1 Good morning
  • 2 Org
  • 3 Aymin
  • 4 Sg
  • 5 Practice
  • 6 Datam
  • 7 Fanfare
  • 8 Pincry
  • 9 End roll
  • 10 Lapon