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  • Ref. XP079W
  • XI RECORDS, 1998. Enregistrement 1997.

"I have devoted a lot of my time in exploring the particular qualities and possibilities of long strings as visual and aural means of expression. Building string installations all over the world, indoors and outdoors, has turned out to be a very rich experience. People perceive what is around them with all their senses. Art is perceived with all our senses as well. Our senses always interact with each other; they belong together in dailly life and in art as well. Long strings have allowed me often to see what I hear and that helps understanding.". Paul Panhuysen. A suivre.


  • Paul PANHUYSEN : Performer, Strings, Piano, Compositeur, Long String Instrument


  • 1 Partita for 16 long strings of equal length
  • 2 Partitas for 16 long strings equally diminishing in length
  • 3 Partita for 16 long strings proportionally tuned