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  • Ref. XP907F
  • LOAD RECORDS, 2006.

"Moving slightly beyond noise and into a majestic brooding mix of dark percussion and slow grinding, Pleasure Ground establishes Prurient as one of the most visionary of noise bands. This is an assault with confidence and deep intent. Originally a cassette-only release on Hospital Productions, the four tracks here create a sonic an lyric world that propels us deep into a world of closeted emotions, violent outbursts from those who are afraid to show any other emotions. Earthworks/Buried in Secret," and "Outdoorsman/Indestructable"are horrific explorations of people who have created their own tombs. In Military Road" and "Aplle Tree Victim" those same calustrophobes lash out, outwardly inflicting the pain they have chosen for themselves. This is no easy, fist-pumping noise ride; it is a horrid raw peek into the dark heart, and truer one than any that those Black Metal comics try to explore with makeup and growling. Prepare for a ride through and abrasive, caustic sweaty fudgetunnel, and then enter."



  • 1 Military road
  • 2 Earthworks/Buried in secret
  • 3 Outdoorsman/Indestructible
  • 4 Apple tree victim