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Samarcande (Recherche de disponbilité en cours...)
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New Jersey quartet Real Estate features Matthew Mondanile of Ducktails and Predator Vision on guitar, yet this band are a far more broadly appealing proposition than either of those well-blogged acts. Opener 'Beach Comber' evokes the kind of sound achieved by the likes of Ganglians and Girls, pinning down a classic and highly accomplished pop sound whilst casting the recording in a very contemporary echo-steeped production. Also included are the recent 7" tracks 'Fake Blues' and 'Pool Swimmers', which only further compound what a great debut this is - the band have killer hooks to spare, and they make them seem all the more rarefied given the fashionably obscuring production aesthetic. Despite tentatively checking the lo-fi box, Real Estate measure up as a great band by any set of standards, often bringing to mind Pavement (though perhaps doing so most vividly with the title 'Suburban Beverage') Throughout this record they're enchantingly musical and incredibly tight. The record is littered with strikingly well-composed guitar melodies. (Article paru sur le site Boomkat)

  • Ref. : XR207K
  • WOODSIST RECORDS, prod. 2010.
Samarcande (Recherche de disponbilité en cours...)

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