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  • Ref. XP115C
  • SOLEILMOON RECORDINGS, 2006. Enregistrement 2004-2005.

"To create this album Parkin electroacoustically manipulated and blended a variety of gongs and other metallic percussion with environmental field recordings. It's eight tracks of intense, multi-layered work evoking hidden subterranean waters and gloomy oceanic depths, where shards of light only occasionally penetrate. Sonic images conjuring reverberant aquatic chambers, stormswept surfaces and horizons abound, while winds and other elemental phenomena bring about transmutations, distillations, evaporations and cycles of tides."



  • 1 Haunted waters
  • 2 Artesian chambers
  • 3 Filaments
  • 4 Vitreous resonance
  • 5 Refract
  • 6 Caldera
  • 7 Scylla
  • 8 Oceanic