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  • Ref. XT731N
  • KOOKY DISCS, 2004.

"The first album by Mark Tranmer under his own name, after the Gnac releases and the collaborations with The Montgolfier Brothers, is a record with a heart and a poetically bizarre title. Scoop of Ice-Cream Moon is a bit more intense and perhaps darker than Gnac's previous works. The twelve instrumentals on this work are either long tracks such as the one that gives the title to the album or very short epiphanies that only last a few seconds (see "Chance Harmonic"), yet they all have the magic of little poems. This evocative album opens with the soothing "Again" which conjures up in your mind images of long lost loves and wintry landscapes, and sets the tone for the rest of the songs, dark lullabies for our era such as "Hypercrystal", hopelessly sad, yet intrinsically beautiful. The seventh track, the hypnotic "By Association", is the best track with its subtle spooky musical textures and could definitely be used as the soundtrack for a magic-gothic film a la Tim Burton. Anything else to say? We can only add that Mark Tranmer is a miniaturist of adventurous sounds."



  • 1 Again
  • 2 Ghost intersection
  • 3 Smile like June
  • 4 Juxtaposer
  • 5 Scoop of ice-cream moon
  • 6 Find out for yourself
  • 7 By association
  • 8 Hypercrystal
  • 9 Bird song
  • 10 Chance harmonic
  • 11 Sawdust desert
  • 12 And again