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  • Ref. XG065G
  • CBS, 1990.


  • 1 The eternal song of the ocean waves (part I)
  • 2 eternal song of the ocean waves (part II (The)
  • 3 Green valley beyond the horizon (part I)
  • 4 Green valley beyond the horizon (part II)
  • 5 Green valley beyond the horizon (part III)
  • 6 Where the mountains meet the sky (part I)
  • 7 Where the mountains meet the sky (part II)
  • 8 Where the mountains meet the sky (part III)
  • 9 Where the mountains meet the sky (part IV)
  • 10 Where the mountains meet the sky (part V)
  • 11 Mirages upon a desert of sand (part I)
  • 12 Mirages upon a desert of sand (part II)
  • 13 Mirages upon a desert of sand (part III)
  • 14 Mirages upon a desert of sand (part IV)