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  • Ref. XG035I
  • XERIC RECORDS, 2006. Enregistrement 1987-1995.

"Multi-talented Alastair Galbraith is the glue that binds the New Zealand underground. His work ranges from achingly lyrical violin for artists as disparate as Peter Jefferies and the Bats, to the feedback squalls he conjures as member of A Handful Of Dust, to the otherworldly miniatures he crafts for his own solo albums. However, in recent years, Galbraith, along with American Matt De Gennaro, has developed another remarkable performance idiom, one that is positioned closer to the sounding sculpture of Harry Bertoia. In From the Dark (South Island), architectural idiosyncrasies are transformed into nuanced and hypnotic audio. Wires -- some as long as 100 feet -- are affixed throughout a building. When the wires are taught and stroked with rosined hands or a piece of leather, longitudinal vibrations are sent to the points of attachment, creating a natural resonator. It is not the wires that make the sound, but the wall, railing or window frames at their end; wire length and room acoustics determine the pitch. The result, achieved in a veil of total darkness, is a beautiful and eerie confluence of chance and accident, architecture and improvisation."

" Les chansons de ce disque veulent plus que la vérité. Elles évoquent les extrémités de la terreur, de la comédie, du désir, du désespoir et de l'exaltation qui se trouvent au-delà des mots qu'il écrit, des notes qu'il joue ou des bandes sur lesquelles il travaille " Bill Meyer. Le poète et guitariste néo-zélandais Alastair Galbraith, en apparence isolé dans un univers sincèrement personnel, est d'autant plus relié aux choses, aux éléments et aux êtres vivants par des connexions fortes. On peut le ressentir par son expression musicale et vocale qui électrise ce qu'il approche; une expression et un son qui brillent d'une aura particulière. Cet album a effectivement quelque chose du talisman. PCO



  • 1 Talisman
  • 2 Yuhahi
  • 3 Carlos
  • 4 Xtra I
  • 5 Black flame
  • 6 Waits
  • 7 Water in my ears
  • 8 Anais
  • 9 Cemetery raga
  • 10 Welfare child
  • 11 Mrs Meggary
  • 12 I'm rich
  • 13 P.D.Lyte
  • 14 Policemen on ether
  • 15 Coast road
  • 16 Allone
  • 17 Lucid branches
  • 18 Strong enough
  • 19 Coded
  • 20 Seamed