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  • Ref. XF419M
  • FIGHT ME RECORDS, 2006. Enregistrement 2005.

"It's odd that the second album from this Derby, UK-based trio sounds more like a debut than their first album did. Where last year's The Gracious Art of Breaking Limbs launched itself as a tight ball of energy, blazing its own path, here the band seems to be showing its influences more overtly, with a consequent blurring of focus away from the fierce, molten center so vividly on display last time. The new album's sleeve is dressed up like some junior grade Queens of the Stone Age offshoot, and, unfortunately, in places it seems Fixit Kid's remit is now to emulate Josh Homme's eclectic take on all things Metal, which only serves to highlight the gap between the band's ambitions and its ability to realize them. The weediness of the production doesn't help either, with the drums in particular sounding hollow and insubstantial where they should be providing a positively seismic accompaniment."



  • 1 Insects and dogs
  • 2 We've been watching the riots on amonitor
  • 3 Taking liberties
  • 4 Open wide
  • 5 Dead hooker
  • 6 Meat
  • 7 Suit
  • 8 None of you motherfuckers are getting out of here alive
  • 9 Exrobot
  • 10 Baracas