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  • Ref. XD814T
  • CRUMBLING TOMES ARCHIVE COMPAC, 2005. Enregistrement 2002-2004.

"La tonalité générale se veut très acoustique, avec une utilisation importante du banjo qui constitue en quelque sorte le fil rouge de l'album."



  • 1 The shunned country: an introduction
  • 2 Something was wrong down there at the graveyard
  • 3 Just ask Mr. Smith
  • 4 Toolshed
  • 5 Bad reputation
  • 6 Hand of Saint-Anee
  • 7 The megalith of forgotten purpose
  • 8 Rot of the stars
  • 9 The tunnels
  • 10 Nobody knows what to do
  • 11 House by the swamp
  • 12 By tent it was much too late
  • 13 Ash tree - First movement
  • 14 Ash tree - Second movement
  • 15 A certain slab
  • 16 Profound musings
  • 17 The flopper
  • 18 Puppy
  • 19 They all told him not to plow thatcertain field
  • 20 Another abandoned farmhouse
  • 21 The crumbling of the monuments
  • 22 House in the dreary hills
  • 23 Yeah
  • 24 Song made whilst awaiting a summerthunderstorm which never arrived
  • 25 Ask nobody around there
  • 26 The sun slants strangely
  • 27 The cloud - Introduction
  • 28 The cloud
  • 29 The dynamistograph
  • 30 Miracle
  • 31 text on the cover of Nando Fodor's:Encyclopedia of psychic science
  • 32 They don't make 'em like they usedto
  • 33 Bear
  • 34 Modest listing of some haunted places
  • 35 The hounds
  • 36 It has no name
  • 37 October 22 1910, Paris
  • 38 Another unusual cloud
  • 39 Yet another unusual cloud
  • 40 Treatise on the natural history ofthe animal life of the MississippiValley
  • 41 The cruncher in semi-darkness
  • 42 Notebook found in deserted hotel
  • 43 Splishing
  • 44 The persecuting engine
  • 45 Lo, the colour
  • 46 Limerick composed in a dream
  • 47 The thing on the roof
  • 48 november 18 1911, Paris
  • 49 Kaziah's pet (for Andy Hopton)
  • 50 The shunned country theme
  • 51 Your visit ton the shunned country
  • 52 The shunned country coda - or - a bit of last minute advice