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  • Ref. XS206A
  • LAST VISIBLE DOG, 2005. Enregistrement 1998-2001.

"Assemblages of sounds, but in doing so, using traditional instruments often guitars. In fact the steel string acoustic guitar is sort of a them running throughout the whole record, picking out simple melodies, while beneath, drones rumble and whir, snippets of conversations surface, as do occasional bursts of static and noise. Collages of found sounds become hypnotic drones, running water becomes a tranquil stretch of dreamy ambience, samples of laughter become a dada-ist sound poem, some strange percussive melody played on a buzzing stringed instrument becomes a lost snippet of unlikely 'world' music, and creaking industrial clatter becomes a strangely tribal exploration of sound and space."



  • 1 Preamble
  • 2 Gas Reg Stn. + Carrilon
  • 3 Make The Baby Jesus cry some
  • 4 Ac Gtr. #2 (Version)
  • 5 Requiem for John Fahey
  • 6 Homage to the runner
  • 7 We can speak quite freely
  • 8 Middle-eight
  • 9 Canned laughter
  • 10 Short composition for prepared formica table
  • 11 From us who have so many
  • 12 St Valentine's Day 2003
  • 14 13 seconds over Aro St.