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  • Ref. XG947W
  • ONITOR, 2006.

"Whilst the majority of 'Tokyo' is instrumental, three songs are seasoned by the vocal skills of Ayako Akashiba; with the first of these ('Tokyo Memory') an ethereal smudge of electronica which recalls the scented output of Piana or Mum. Similarly, both 'Wash Me Away' and 'Sakura Coming' are glorious edicts on the merits of cross-cultural collaboration, with the latter's coruscating Kevin Shields-esque scope of particular note."



  • 1 Sunday afternoon at Tamagawa River
  • 2 Naoki
  • 3 Red & white
  • 4 Tokyo memory
  • 5 Ayako
  • 6 Wash me away
  • 7 Akiko
  • 8 Sakura coming
  • 9 Maki