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Christina CARTER & GOWN

  • Ref. XC136W

"Christina Carter is best known for her work with ex-husband Tom Carter in the legendary Charalambides. She also boasts an impressive body of solo work on labels such as Kranky and Eclipse. Gown is Nanaimo, BC's own Andrew MacGregor. Early in 2005, the two begin a month-long trek from MacGregor's home in British Columbia to their current place of residence in Western Mass, where MacGregor is temporarily running the mighty Yod store. During their journey, the duo played live on WDVS radio in California. We've is culled from that sprawling session. Carter's playing has always been about creating open spaces that live and breathe on their own. We've is no different, but Gown manages to find his way into those spaces and destroy them. There is a constantly shifting dichotomy at play here, and the results are fantastic. Gown and Carter have loads of chemistry and We've is the perfect of example."


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