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  • Ref. XD474A
  • DISSIDENCE, 1991. Enregistrement 1990.


  • 1 Do you believe ?
  • 2 The dream
  • 3 Man
  • 4 I'm not against
  • 5 Hitting
  • 6 Tomorrow
  • 7 Bullshit
  • 8 Christ on parade
  • 9 The palace of savagery and stupidity
  • 10 Windaerotherapy
  • 11 Everything for you
  • 12 Lord oh Lord
  • 13 And in the evening
  • 14 The apocalypse according to me
  • 15 Kolabo-song
  • 16 There is no us
  • 17 Man still alive
  • 18 I am calm
  • 19 My country