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  • Ref. XK287D
  • NINJA TUNE, 2006.

Lancé à ses débuts dans l'arène musical comme un prodige des platines - on dit turntablist -, le canadien Kid Koala a - heureux pour lui - prouvé qu'il était bien plus qu'un athlète du scratches et du crossfading. De Carpal Tunnel Syndrome (XA287A) à ce dernier album composé de deux longues plages virevoltantes, il excave, creuse, démultiplie les recoins de sa collection de disques (l'indispensable matière première nécessaire à l'exercice de sa profession), à l'affût des plus amusantes associations. Car le Koala est avant tout un scratcheur taquin doublé d'un platiniste qui, ici, s'éloigne des cut up et enchaînements stakhanovistes pour préfèrer prendre son temps, laisser sagement couler les grooves de tous ambages (rock, blues, easy listening, r'n'b) et les titiller sans se presser. Touchante manifestation de la douce indolence qui règne tout au long du disque, Your Mom's Favorite dj, s'éteint au son des mélodies larmoyantes d'un marching band de la Nouvelle Orleans.(JdN)

" Kid Koala has always remained something of an outcast in the ballsy world of the turntablist. Where his peers measure their genitalia by showing how quick they can scratch or how many records they can blend in three minutes, Eric San aka Kid Koala has been more interested in assembling naaratives. This might not have him lavished with gold chains and serious hip-hop credibility but it has built around him a legion of fans desperate to hear anything to emerge from his gifted hands. I'm guessing that this is where he got the rather strange album title from, it's the sort of hip-hop music you might play to your dear old mother and she might raise a smile rather than grimace at the state of modern music, San injects a genuine element of slapstick, a light heartedness into his eclectic compositions and that's what makes his music so popular. His last full length album was accompanied by a comic-book also penned by San, showing further his eagerness to give narrative to the music, to write small stories linked together by the trangest of seams and this latest record picks off where he left off."



  • 1 Left side: start heeeeears/stoppin' traffic/tracks etc./slew test 1/lunch with pavlov/robo-cookie factory/things'll be good again/dinner at1:00 a.m./party at Eric's!
  • 2 Right side: slew test 2/gimmie a k!/mosquito vs. waterbuffalo/slew test 3/paper route days/nufonia noiseconsultation committee/the denouement
  • 3 Bonus cricket