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  • Ref. XD399A
  • DARLA RECORDS, 2009.

Deriving their name from James Franco's character in cult TV show Freaks And Geeks, Desario are a Sacramento-based quartet who derive influence from the very poppiest, most summery recesses of the indie rock universe. When describing the band Darla themselves throw names around like The Smiths, The Wedding Present and Felt, illustrating the sort of Anglophilic jangle they're prone to summoning up. This is about as straight-up as guitar bands get, and there's really not much going on here to shake the Earth to its foundations, yet there's a level of accomplishment and amiability to all this that can't help but appeal to the sensibilities of any remotely sympathetic ear. 'Cane Cola', 'Fine Time' and 'Rain And Gold' all evoke classic British sounds from the '80s and early '90s, cloaked in a North Californian accent, and helpfully, the production bulks up the album's overall feel very nicely, adding sufficient muscle to make up for whatever feyness has been inherited from the palette of influences.


  • 1 Nautical ways
  • 2 Late Sedan
  • 3 Cane cola
  • 4 Fine time
  • 5 Drama club
  • 6 Smile with your mouth closed
  • 7 Houston
  • 8 Rain and gold
  • 9 As I recall
  • 10 Sequoia gee